Making the ideal playlist for you and keeping track of the songs you discover can be cumbersome. Spot is your personal playlist curator.


Equipment List.

People can find their tagged devices on their Rivian and see the last location of connected devices.

Composting memory bead.

Cleaning up can be more fun with rivian where the vehicle is equipped to convert all the collected compost into a memory bead for the trip

Storing your trip memories.

Users can select and make an album of their memories of their individual trips.


The fabricator of life process. In presence of which life happens and holds the material form together.


The essential constituent of life. A fundamental material source that feeds and propels life forward. It provides the physicality to the life source


The divine intelligence that gives conscious to material life.

The problem

Spotify has more than 100million tracks and keeping a track of the songs you like can be cumbersome.

Spotify doesn't allow voice over commands.

Making a playlist in fewer touches and less input can be a relief for a wide range of users.

Use Cases

Digital Nomads are always on the go and need a seamless and effortless music experience. Keeping a track of data and preferences on music applications is a user need, not much catered for.


Direct Interaction

Seamless interaction with AI powered Spot. You personalized music assistant.

Calming interface

Clear and calming interfaces makes scrolling through songs less frustrating.

Playlist curator

An AI powered playlists curator that picks songs based on your activity on the app. Helps you keep track of the best melodies and sorting them in customized playlists.

Intuitive gestures

effortlessly add and remove songs from the line up and curate your personal playlist.

Calming interface

Clear and calming interfaces makes scrolling through songs less frustrating.